2 LIVE CREW OF DOCTORS?!? Censorship and Hydro... uh... cloroxo... uh... Censorship and A Drug That Works At Least Some of the Time!


Weekly Mourner 5, July 28, 2020By screm
Updated 7/31 (links added)
Updated 7/30 (links added)

Updated 7/28: As of the evening of July 28, 2020 Vimeo has also banned the video from its platform.
Updated 8/9: (links added)
The year was 1989 and elementary school kids everywhere giggled with absolute delight at the prospect of listening to a song called “Me So Horny”. And while the internet hadn’t yet captivated our souls, and e-speech hadn’t yet captivated our tongues, parents everywhere breathed a collective “WTF”. 
“The 2 Live Crew”, the rap group that released the controversial album “As Nasty As They Want to Be” would face lawsuits, file lawsuits, even be arrested for performing the album live, if I’m recalling the whole mess correctly. Many people were seeking to stop the release due to the pornographic content of the album. And believe me, it was pornogrpahic… sorry Mom, I did give it a listen while at a friends house. He had cleverly stashed the cassette under his bed and in unknown nook or cranny and we howled as we listened to words we could hardly understand. The concept of censorship was being hotly debated. 

Censorship isn’t a straightforward concept. That’s because human beings are not straightforward creatures. Children absolutely need to be rationally protected from obscenity to whatever degree is possible. They should especially be protected from pornography. The developing minds and bodies of children are not equipped to handle the complexity of sexuality at an adult level. For all of the heated rhetoric surrounding issues of how a given society treats women we do an absolutely abysmal job of protecting our children from the pornogrpahic objectification of the human body. Children should be our first consideration when we consider our stances on social morals, not the afterthought that they all too often are.

But this article isn’t about the censorship of pornography. Personally I hate censorship. And, personally, I don’t think that rationally protecting children from pornography and obscenity is censorship at all. It, quite literally, is nothing less than the protection of our developing generation from child sexual abuse. That’s for another time… 

This article is about the censorship of board certified medical doctors who are currently frontline warriors in the midst of a pandemic and how they’re being treated as if they were “The 2 Live Crew” in 1989 and the modern left in America is now the 1980’s religious right… wow. Okay, that was a mouthful. No, this is not a role reversal. That would be putting it in bad light. 

The censorship of frontline medical doctors seeking to promote a drug that has verifiably helped to both cure covid-19 patients, and to prevent the sickness brought on by covid-19, all over the world, is something far worse than what the religious right of the 1980’s had in mind for 2 Live Crew’s “Nasty As We Wanna Be”. It’s real censorship. It’s not born of a moral concern over crass entertainment that perhaps overplayed its intention. It’s the nefarious, intentional, suppression-of, vital, free, speech concerning a vital medicine that has already saved the lives of thousands of people.

Yesterday was a sad day for this nation as a remarkable group of human beings were blatantly censored by the massive social platform we know as Facebook. These Doctors came to Washington D.C. and held a press conference in front of the Supreme Court to advocate for Americans, patients and doctors, to have the choice to use the anti-Malarial drug known as Hydroxychloroquine to both prevent and help cure Covid-19 under their doctors advice. (I wonder if anyone reading this has paid attention to the situation in India? Doctors there are seeing major results in the preventative efficacy of the drug and the aid in recover). Some of the doctors at the press conference were even advocating that the drug be available OTC as it is in many nations throughout the globe. Videos streaming the event were removed from Facebook this morning in an egregious act of censorship that rivals something we might imagine happening in the old Soviet block. YouTube, the world’s leading social media video platform also banned the video. 

Today an outlet called “The Daily Beast” performed a virtual lynching on one of the Doctors (Dr. Stella Immanuel) holding out her spiritual beliefs in a crass and racist attempt to paint her as some kind of old deep south democrat vision of a dark-continent witch doctor. The Daily Beast article was a truly disgusting display of just how hellishly low some people will go to protect a narrative. It reeked of a Jim Crow era character assassination. 

And, in all this,  freedom loving Americans all breathed a collective “WTF?”. 

These were the Doctors present at the press conference who are being actively censored and whose First Amendment rights are being trampled by these social media platforms:

-Dr. Simone Gold (also a lawyer) from LA, Cali 

-Dr. Bob Hamilton, Pediatrician, Santa Monica, Cali 

-Dr. Stella Immanuel Primary Care Physician Houston, Tx 

-Dr. Dan Erickson

-Dr. James Todaro

-Dr. Joe Ladapo doc at UCLA and clinical researcher

Why would these platforms ban this press conference? Man oh man… it’s really something to even have to ask that question in America… but really, why? Hydroxychloroquine is one of the safest drugs in the entire world. As these doctors testify, it’s safer than Tylenol or Asprin (don’t even think of coming at me Tylenol, you don’t want this smoke. Also, I love your product!). Hydroxychloroquine has about 5 million prescriptions (pre Covid) in the U.S. and has been in effective use for nearly 70 years. You read that right… 5 million.

It’s even on the WHO’s “List of Essential Medicines” (“WHO” stands for World Health Organization if didn’t know and you’re not already sacrificing small animals to their divinity). Don’t believe me? Here ya go you insufferable skeptic:


Hydroxychloroquine can actually prevent and cure Malaria. It is also used to treat arthritis. It’’s safe  for pregnant women to take… that’s pretty safe. It’s so safe in fact, that the CDC’s own pdf on the drug says that the side effects are basically mitigated by simply taking Hydroxychloroquine with food. https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/resources/pdf/fsp/drugs/hydroxychloroquine.pdf The censorship here is a conspiracy. Let there be no mistake. Multiple massive social media platforms coordinated to ban this press conference. Multiple major news outlets coordinated to simply and falsely claim that the claims that these doctors were making are false. The politicization of this pandemic by the same actors is perhaps the m.o.. After all, if this time of despair can continue to be a wedge between Americans then those who use despair to gain power over others have a proverbial gold mine of it for the taking right now.

Hydroxychloroquine is safe. As with any medicine, people with preexisting health conditions should always consult their doctor as to whether there are any special considerations for them. 
Of course, that’s just common sense, but you... YOU LACK IT YOU UNTHINKING RUBES. That’s why medically verified advocacy for this drug in use against Covid-19 needs to be censored! You see, if mindless idiots like you were allowed to buy this drug over the counter you would probably snort it or put it in your butts. You’re so dumb. I don’t know why I’m even wasting my time writing this because you probably can’t even read. 

Anyway, now that I’ve channeled my inner “Facebook” toward you and achieved my daily catharsis of hate, I can apologize… I’m sorry for insulting you. It’s just that, well, you, me, we… 

we kind of deserve it… 

After all, we’re apparently dumb enough to allow ourselves to be controlled by people who have created a world where “The 2 Live Crew’s” sauciest sexual fantasies are a click away from our children’s eyes and souls and an actual verified cure for a virus like Covid-19 is too dangerous for us to process. I’m so dumb that I’m even going to post this article, that only a few will actually read and a gaggle of political trolls will dismiss as a political article, on Facebook. I’m actually going to do it. The same platform that’s censoring some extremely bright Doctors for advocating for a therapy for a virus that has unnecessarily ravaged our existence IS the platform where I’m going to post this. Sheesh. I feel dirty. I guess, maybe, yeah, maybe, I’m as nasty as I wanna be
Hydroxychloroquine may only turn out to work some of the time. In fact, that’s pretty accurate. If it’s administered to someone who is on a ventilator there’s a good chance it’s not going to help them. But as the Governor of New York once said, just after forcing Covid-19 positive patients to shack up with their otherwise uninfected neighbors in nursing homes resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of New York’s elderly: “If I can save only one life, then it will have been worth it.” - Andrew Cuomo.


PS. If you are an American citizen you have a constitutional right to access this medicine. Please write, call, email, protest, please don’t riot, in front of your local, and federal representatives, mayors and governors, and demand that Hydroxychloroquine be immediately made available to the people of your community for both prophylactic use and treatment of Covid-19. Right to choose much?










 https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/doi/10.1093/aje/kwaa093/5847586?searchresult=1 (link to Reisch academic paper)


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